My name is Coco. Avid reader of a little bit of everything. Lover of happily ever afters. Connoisseur of GIFs.
I enjoyed this romantic suspense with its out-of-the box plot and characters. The chemistry between Dallas and Nic jumps off the page; although their romance moves fast, it worked without being campy or trite. The last third or so of Property Of has a more serious tone as the killer gets closer to Nicola and her friends, but overall much more humor than I'm used to in this genre.
I liked the overall storyline, alas I had some trouble connecting with Puck and Becca individually and as a couple. Then there's Becca, who in large part is the president of Club Bad Decisions. I tried to give Becca break, but Becca's repeated f*** ups after ample advice to the contrary definitely wore thin for me. Although, the characters frustrated me at points, I was engaged and like others by Ms. Wylde the ending was perfectly sweet and sexy.
I enjoyed The Chronicles of Moxie but I truly fell in love with Moxie and Miles here. Moxie is still her irreverent, sassy self, but we get to see a new side of Miles here. And Dillion, Miles' son really came to life here. FCL is one part continuation of the humor we became accustomed to in the first book but there's also a lot of growth in Miles and Moxie beyond just the funny as they begin the rest of their life together as a family.
Overall, this was a laugh out loud funny and sexy read for me that I immensely enjoyed. The characters were well-developed and likable with lots of witty banter/dialogue to kept me in stitches until the end. Read more.
No rating…DNF at 29%
I gave up on this one…Night Moves had such a different feel from previous G-Man series installments that I wasn’t engaged in the protagonists getting together at all. Read more.
I really enjoyed this book’s predecessor, Diamond Girl, but Love Plus One really blew my mind on another level. Overall, another well-written and fast-paced read that kept me engaged and wanting more until the very end. Read more.
Wow...What a ride! I couldn't put this one down once I started. Once I suspended disbelief on certain things and went with it, Diamond Girl was a very engaging read. I enjoyed the fast pace and the plot twists were well-placed and kept me guessing. Read more.
Five Stages completely gutted me. I felt every iota of Liz and her family's grief for Grady. The pace of the romance is slow but perfect for the situation. Insta-love wouldn't have been fitting here and I'm infinitely grateful for the realism in this story. I spent a better part of this book with tears in my eyes and had to put it down to take a break multiple times, even though I loved the writing and the story.
I'm going to make this short and to the point...this was one of THE BEST books I've read in a very long time. I've never read this author's work but I'd happily read more by her in the future. Read more.
This is one of those times I should have listened to my friends. I just couldn't get into this or connect with Tony and Elena's plights. I could have easily given up on this book then without guilt at the halfway mark...alas I didn't, but I found myself skimming to get to the point. We're taken all around the mulberry bush with lots of sex, bad decisions, and blackmail and it wore me out.