Heat of the Moment: Subtitle to come - Robin Kaye

Cameron is dedicated father to THE cutest seven year old in Romancelandia, Janie. Janie has been sick for a couple of years fighting a brain tumor; now she's well and ready to leave the hospital. Cameron's job as a fire investigator doesn't allow him to be home with Janie like he wants, so he needs someone to help take care of Janie while he's away. Janie's regular nanny is away visiting a family member for the next month...

Erin is a nurse working on her master's thesis so when her friend, Kendall, sends her to Cameron's house for an interview she rushes right over.  

She pulled the scarf down under her chin to reveal full lips, straight white teeth, and a nervous smile. “I’m late.” He took a step back and ran his fingers over his eyebrows to see if he had any left. “Six months after the last time a beautiful woman told me that, she walked away from me and our newborn six pound, nine-ounce daughter, Janie.” 


Cameron has a dry wit which belies his seriousness which sometimes makes him seem much older than his 27 years.  Erin is quirky and smart but also a hottie that Cameron, who hasn't been interested in sex since Janie became sick, can't stop fantasizing about.  


I felt like Cameron and Erin's romance moved a little too fast but overall this novella was such an enjoyably cute and sweet start to a series.  


I'm looking forward to the next installment, Kendall's story, and wouldn't be opposed to getting to know Cam's brothers, Butch and Adam further in the future.  


*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*