Losing Me, Finding You - C.M. Stunich

I have such mixed feelings on this one. I didn't hate it, but it was just missing that something I can't quite put my finger on. There are some super hot scenes but I couldn't completely connect with the story overall. Things move at warp speed between Amy and Austin with the whole story spanning about a week...and the ending felt cliffhanger-ish to me. This book took me through a series of emotions from laughing (mostly at Amy's inner dialogue) to sad (for Amy, Austin, Gaine and Mireya) in a very short time. Throughout, I kept hoping for more backstory on Austin and more on what happens with Amy's family/congregation back home.


Most of all, I wanted more on what happens after everything hits the fan with the Triple M's and their rival MC at the end. I'm glad this will be a series and there will be more books. Not only do I want more on Amy and Austin, but also on the other Triple M's like Mireya, Beck, Gaine, Kimmi, and Amy's friend, Christy in the future.