Can't Buy Me Love - Molly O'Keefe

Three people recommended Can't Buy Me Love to me, so I was sure this was going to be a fantastic read.  Unfortunately, not my cuppa.  I had to kick this to the DNF pile after 30%...


Usually I can read a book in a day, 2 days tops, if I really like it. I read this book for a solid week and only got 1/3 finished. The writing is well done, but the characters just didn't do it for me. There was not one character that I found likable or endearing. Luc was a grumpy jerk...I didn't see any redeeming qualities in 1/3 of the book I read. That's way too long for me not to find anything I like about a character!  Victoria was so beaten down by her circumstances that it was nauseating. Tara Jean was somewhat interesting but all we got were little hints of her past which grew tired.  Just get to the point, already!


I may pick it back up later and finish it but for now CBML is a no-no for me.