House Arrest - Ellen Meeropol

I was intrigued by the blurb and I had high expectations for this book. I had never heard anything about this author so I did research by reading numerous reviews online beforehand. All said it that this was a great debut novel. Thus, I convinced my friends to choose this book for our book club. Although we tried, this book just didn't live up to the reviews for us.


There were so many themes to explore here - cult/religion, race, abandonment - that the author touched on, but just didn't go deep enough. Perhaps there was too much to explore and not enough research to back it up. I would have preferred to delve into less than not do everything presented justice.


Oh, and I haven't read a more predictable book in a could see a plot twist coming before it was even mentioned. One aspect that I did like was the telling of the story through alternating POVs of the main characters in each chapter, but the writing itself wasn't the best.