Hidden Depths - Aubrianna Hunter

Hot and steamy read with lots of angst! Enjoyed it, but had issues with storyline along the way. 

The heroine, Gia, seemed a bit inconsistent to me. She's portrayed as this, "take me as I am or screw you!" tattooed, pierced gal. Neither Josh or their friends gave any indication of having an issue with who she was, so why is Gia convinced that Josh isn't serious about more than sex with her??


My biggest problem was that the author didn't make the source of the heroine's insecurities and commitment issues clear until ~95% into the book...then there's a rush to HEA and everything is wrapped up in a bow.


Another niggling detail for me is how Deb and Josh's broken engagement is just brushed away like it's no big deal. Not saying Deb should have been turned into a crazy shrew but I don't care how ok she was with breaking off their engagement, Josh dating her close friend/bridesmaid should have definitely warranted a rise out of anyone. It made me think that Deb had a little something something on the side herself. Hope the author has some plans in the works for a future book where Deb's story comes to light.