To any authors who signed Anne Rice's petition asking Amazon to remove reviewer/poster anonymity from the Amazon site. . .
I request that you stand by your words by doing the following:
1 ~ Email all reviewers of your books who reviewed without a Real Name badge asking them to immediately change their screen name to their real name.
2 ~ If reviewers of your books decline to change their screen name to their real name, kindly ask those reviewers to delete their reviews.
3 ~ Post publicly on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account and this thread that you would like all readers who choose to review your books not to do so on any site unless they do so under their real name.
4 ~ Post publicly on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account and this thread that you will only visit blogs where the blogger uses their real name on their blog and you will not be party to any blog tour sites where the blogger does not use their real name.
5 ~ Post publicly on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account and this thread stating that reviews lacking the Real Name of the reviewer have no credibility with you.
Don't worry, I'll wait....