...you perused your list of followers?
Sometime ago I remember a bunch of us discussing how our number of followers increased exponentially seemingly overnight without any notifications. I think the general consensus was that new BL users were auto-following us. I had no reason to think this didn't make sense, so I shrugged it off and went about my business.
Today I had some time on my hands between work and household chores, so I gave all these followers a gander. What did I find?
A whole lot of spam, that's what I found. At least a third of my "followers" were users that haven't been active on BL in months, if ever. The bulk of the others were "consulting/management/property" groups. Why would a legit consulting firm want to follow my book blog full of romance book reviews??? They wouldn't, of course! So my guess is that these are a bunch of phishers.
My advice, spend some time checking out who your followers are and block them accordingly.