Who's Your Baby Daddy? - I. Ronik

Just like What She Didn't Know I loved this parody romance.  The characters and story poke fun at all the Romancelandia tropes we've come to enjoy and abhor equally.


I still can't stop laughing!! 


This one was so good that I almost forgot that it was a parody.  Besides laughter WYBD took me through a plethora of emotions from 'OMG!', to 'awww how sweet', to surprised anger, then there's a great unexpected twist at the end that I didn't see coming.  


Unlike most novellas I didn't feel like the story was missing something; it was a pleasantly well-executed and complete story that makes you recognize it's best not to take romance fiction too seriously.  


*Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*